Nippon Charity Kyokai helps to promote artistic activities
among individuals & groups of people with disabilities
through ParaArt School & ParaArt Exhibition.
International ParaArt Exhibition
In 2009, the first international ParaArt Exhibition with artworks from 16 countries & regions was held in Tokyo. Since then, the total number of about 700 artworks from all over the world were exhibited in Tokyo through four international ParaArt Exhibitions.
As Tokyo Olympic & Paralympic Games are coming in 2020, we are planning to host a major international exhibition, 2020 International ParaArt TOKYO.
2009 International
The first international ParaArt Exhibition was supported
by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Health,
Labor & Welfare, Tokyo Metropolitan Government,
& other government agencies.
2013 International
Apart from the main exhibition held at
Tokyo Metropolitan Theater,
travelling exhibitions were also given
at four international airports
including Tokyo Haneda & Kansai international airport.
2016 International
In addition to the international art exhibition,
there was a symposium to discuss
“the future of disability arts”
by the group of panels consisted
of artists from around the world.
2017 International
“Sho – Calligraphy”
The exhibition focused on the art of “Sho” ( calligraphy ).
The event consisted of an opening live-performance
by leading calligraphers from Japan, China & South Korea,
& an exhibition of various styles of
calligraphy from different countries.
“2017 ParaArt TOKYO”
The 3rd International Exchange Exhibition, Memorial Perormance
2019 International
The Fifth International Exchange Exhibition
In the fifth ParaArt exhibition, a total of 193 art works were selected worldwide.
99 works were from Japan (Painting 76/Book 23),
& 94 works were from overseas,
& 31 artworks were created by children (19 from Japan & 12 from overseas).
There also were different traditional Japanese art performances,
such as “Kyogen” farce, Japanese dance,
& “Taisho Kigou”(calligraphy using a large writing brush)
very well received by the visitors.
Date: February 1st (Friday) to 5th (Tuesday), 2019
Venue: Toshima Center Square (1st floor of Toshima City Office Main Building)
“2019 ParaArt TOKYO”
The Fifth International Exchange Exhibition, Memorial Perormance
2019 ParaArt FES
The sixth International Exchange Exhibition
2019 ParaArt FES TOKYO, the second ParaArt exhibition in 2019,
was held as a part of “The Culture City of East Asia Project”.
In addition to Exhibition & performance event,
several workshops for artists with disability
were held by inviting well known instructors.
Date: November 20th (Wednesday) to 24th (Sunday), 2019
Venue: Toshima Center Square (1st floor of Toshima City Office Main Building)
2019 ParaArt FES TOKYO
The sixth International Exchange Exhibition, Opening Performances & Workshops
2020 International
The seventh International Exchange Exhibition
Date: August 19th (Wednesday) to 23th (Sunday), 2020
Venue: Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre
Also launched an internet exhibition of “Virtual Gallery”,
covering all artworks exhibited at Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre.
Due to the spread of COVID-19,
the memorial international symposium was held without live audience.
Instead, the entire program was recorded & uploaded on YouTube.
2020 International ParaArt TOKYO
The seventh International Exchange Exhibition, Symposium
ParaArt School
ParaArt School was opened in 1986, to help Japanese aspiring artists with disabilities study arts & improve their skills. Since then, the school produced many artists who are now active in various fields of arts. The students have opportunities to take part in ParaArt Exhibitions as well as exhibitions outside of Japan.
There are three programs instructed by experts in the fields.
- Manga – Comics, Illustration
- General Painting
- Calligraphy
ParaAart Executive Committee Office
Nippon Charity Kyokai
Yanagida Bldg. 3F, 1-18-12 Shinjuku,
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0022, JAPAN
Fax: +81(3) 3359-7964